Integration of early imprints


1st – 3rd September 2024 – Corfu 490€ in German **
3rd – 6th October 2024 – Freiburg 490€
14th – 17th November 2024 – Dresden 730€ *Co-facilitation with Claudia Köhler
27th – 30th December 2024 – Freiburg 490€

* Registration Claudia Köhler:


18th – 21st April 2025 – Freiburg 540€
6th – 8th September 2025 – Corfu 540€ in German ***
10th – 12th September 2025 – Corfu 540€ in English **
2nd – 5th October 2025 – Freiburg 540€

Seminar times

Start 1st day * & ** 9am *** 6pm
Freiburg 1st day 4pm
Last day approx. 1pm

Workshops are usually being held in German. English seminars will be marked as such.

Where there is light
darkness has to flee

Where there is love
Hate does not find a ground

Where there is peace
We can be – together

Text: Bodhi Marion Kotowski